Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct. 28, 2009 Day 15 Phase 2

So there is a reason why I waited so late in the day to post. I wasn't that excited. The scales showed a .8 gain this morning so now I'm closer to 10 pounds lost instead of 11. Oh well, don't really know why, but I was planning to do an apple day today anyway. It's 6:00pm and I just had my 3rd apple for the day. I can have 6 but I think I'll just end up eating one more later. Hoping for big numbers in the morning, like a big number like 2. I really want to lose at least 15 pounds during this round and I'm running our of time. Just 9 more days to go. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh don't worry about it! I'm sure that's just how it goes. You have done so well and I think that's totally normal. Good luck with apple day! I'll call you later :)
