Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010 Day 8 phase 2

Yesterday we went to Nashville. I did well with my eating- salad, roast chicken, apple, strawberries, more salad and shrimp. Christina was so nice to buy me the shrimp for dinner (they were eating lasagna) and she bought me some grapefruit! I did munch on a few extra crackers again and I was famished when we got home at 11:00 pm and had a bowl of Fiber One cereal. Still feel like I have a stomach issue. Anyway, this morning I was down .6. So total loss so far this round is 3.4 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. Paula,
    Glad to hear the trip went well! It's much harder to stay on the diet when you're in the car for a long time! I am following Simeon's...so I am pretty limited on my veggies but I have been mixing them which isn't allowed on Simeons. I really like mixing white onion and tomatoes and eating them with chicken cooked on the George Foreman. I haven't been weighing my food the way I did on my first round. I think I have been eating a little more protein than the protocol says to do... (not a lot more, but a bite here and there, you know :) but it doesn't seem to be hurting. This time I am also using lotion, conditioner, all that stuff.
    I think if you go back to not eating crackers and cereal you will start dropping weight a lot faster. I would try that before you try cutting down on beef, and the other stuff you said. I am 99% sure its the extra carbs you are adding in. But I know when my tummy is not feeling well, that's all I want!
    How fun that Lindsay and Todd and Joshy are there with you! I can imagine how much fun you are having. I want to come visit again. I love coming to your house!
    Well, I have to get dressed and go to work :( But I'll be back to read your post tomorrow!
    We can do this!
    Oh yeah- Have you checked out Happily Thinner After? I go there everyday (the forums) and post in a journal in there, and it helps ALOT. It's all HCG protocol based. There are a lot of people there who are pro's at this, and there is so much support. I don't know if I told you about it before!
    Love ya!
